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Python is a form of programming language, which is general purpose and high level interpreted. Python shows a major emphasis towards the readability of the code by using significant indentation. Due to this and its object-oriented approach, it helps the programmers to write clear and logical code for both small as well as large-scale projects. Adding to this, python is also a platform-independent language, i.e., the code written on one platform (or an operating software such as windows) could be used in any other platform (such as Linux or macOS) without requiring to make any special changes to the code itself and producing the same results.


History of Python


Python was first created as a successor to the ABC programming language in the 1980s and was made to be capable of exception handling and to be able to support interface with the Amoeba operating system. Guido van Rossum was the sole leader for the team developer team for python and was responsible for the creation of the language under his leadership. He retired as python’s benevolent dictator for life in 2018 which led to the creation of 5 member team of the Steering Council to lead the project.


Important Features


  1. Easy to Code
    When compared to the other highly powerful programming language, like c++ and java, python is really easy to learn and understand and is also very developer-friendly.

  2. Open Source
    Python is available for free and is open source which means that anyone can use it and also the source code is also available for all

  3. Extensive Library
    Python has an immensely huge library providing assistance in various types of uses such as creating a graphical application or doing data analysis.

  4. Object-Oriented
    A really big feature of python is that it is object-oriented, i.e., it is based on the concept of objects. It supports concepts of classes, object encapsulation, etc,

  5. High-Level Programming language
    Python is a high-level programming language, that is, whenever any code is written in python, one may not need to remember its system architecture, and also to manage the system memory.

  6. Graphical user interface support
    Python supports various forms of graphical user interface or GUI for short, such as PyQt5, PyQt4, etc. making it easier for us to create various graphical apps.

  7. Portable
    Being a platform-independent language, Python becomes very portable in the sense that the code written in one platform could be simply just taken over to any other platform without requiring any changes to be made to the code itself.

  8. Expressive
    Python is more expressive than other programming languages, meaning that it can create way more variety of programs using local transformation stating that it has more capability than the other programming languages

  9. Interpreted
    Python is an interpreted language, that is, the code is executed line by line and it removes the necessity of compiling the code before running it. This makes it easier to debug the code written.


Popularity of Python

Because of all these features and the availability, Python has become the second most popular programming language in the Tiobe index after C.

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